PROUD of you too Tim!
Thinking about you the other day, how are things going? You still "IN?"......
You sound very perky, have you met someone???
Love Paula x
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PROUD of you too Tim!
Thinking about you the other day, how are things going? You still "IN?"......
You sound very perky, have you met someone???
Love Paula x
i recently had a jw "friend" (the last non-relative one that has any contact with me at all - and it is only electronic) post a typically cultish statement as a comment on my fb page.
there is no good way to respond without going all logical apostate on him.
i know the dubism is idiotic enough on its own to discredit itself and him, but i am still fighting the urge to respond and clearly show how ridiculous the statement was.
Ive struggled with this too MS....and the two occasions I did give it with both barrels, I felt superior and smug for a while...kinda "ha...howdya like them apples!"....but soon it turned into a deflated feeling, and I felt sorry that ID LET THEM WIND ME UP TO THE POINT WHERE I LOST A SENSE OF CONTROL....
I do tend to bang on that we allow others to push our buttons IF WE LET THEM........I guess you need to be yourself and deal with the fallout, or not. Your call. Maybe blocking them from your friends list may be the way to go this time?
Peace to you, Paula
just curious if anyone has up to date numbers of worldwide active jws?
are there more that have left than are currently in?
they bang on about growth in numbers, but after reading the wtbs numbers heading towards 8 million, other threads have suggested its more like just over 7 million.. also being a newbie, and isolated due to illness, can anyone tell me about china and the work thats not happening.
Went past the KH last Sunday and there looked like there were only about 30 people in I used to go (last time for a funeral a few months ago) there was always about 60 people every week....looking back now, I never noticed how many were old, or sitting at the back in the naughty seats.....seems lots have moved away...........somethings definately up with this picture! to lose 50% of numbers within 4 monthes is pretty huge imo......................
i made a comment on my fb page expressing my disgust about this blog
this is the response i got from an old jw "friend".
thank whatever gods may be that i don't think like this.. .
Nice one Mike, sock it to em! Yahooooooooo! Blind idiots cant see whats in front of em......pity....pity...pity em x
perhaps the biggest fear i have of leaving is the ensuing gossip that will follow.
i know it's stupid to worry about what will be said about me once i'm "out," but it kills me inside.
of course, that doesn't mean that i don't already deal with my fair share of gossip as it is while still "in.
People only make us feel things if we allow them are in control. If you loved these people, maybe the things they say would hurt you....but you dont love them, right? So, let they petty pathetic gossip go on, it wont effect you, unless you let it. You are in control. Live your life and let it go.x
ive been going thru a lot of the different posts on here and seeing that most here believe that higher education is very important.
i agree that it is important and i plan on going back to school in the fall but im just wondering who all here has a degree and in what?
just curious .
Nursing degree in Neurosurgey (brain surgery).....that was a fun job!
watchtower bethel application from 2004. questions asked tell their own story.
today i posted onto my blog the watchtower bethel application from 2004, available at: .
marvin shilmer.
Priceless........"Have you ever had a homosexual relationship?..if so please explain why..."
Have you ever engaged in child molestation?.......WTF?
i can't see myself not attending.
i would feel horrible not to go.
i don't know where i'm going to land and if i had to look back and think i didn't go... well, i would feel awful..
Absolutely not! They make a totally mockery of the unleavened bread and wine, Jesus say "", but Im not allowed? Such a facade, hiding immorallity, corruption, control, cover-ups, lies, failed prophecy....they have no right playing the holier-than-thou card! So NO, Im not, and NEVER will again.
im reading ray franz's book crisis of conscience!
it is brilliant!
he brings out some amazing points as to the credibility of the governing body!
Hi Timmy, so glad you are enjoying the book! How did it go with telling your friends about your sexuality? Are they ok with you? To be honest, I really thought youd be DFd by you feel being a JW is something youd still like to be? So glad you are ok, and you do seem much happier. Please PM me if youd rather not discuss this openly here. Love Paula x
"is jehovah causing these earthquakes?".
whether or not jesus said that earthquakes would 'increase', jehovah's witnesses assert that earthquakes are a sign of the 'time of the end'.
the recent cluster of awful earthquakes has only increased that sense of expectancy.. does this mean that jehovah is responsible for these earthquakes?
Jehovah CREATES Evil? Wowsers...